FLE and its business

Part of the LFPI Group, FLE is the investment advisor for real estate in Europe and headquartered in Vienna, Austria.

We put sustainable investment and security first in all our acquisitions. For every potential acquisition, at least two members of the FLE team analyse the property and the location as part of a detailed on-site inspection. Properties are also the subject of intensive external due diligence review. We select only those projects that measure up to our high standards of security and exhibit significant growth potential. A large part of our success is the result of active asset management.

in numbers

31.12.2019 31.12.2020 31.12.2021 31.12.2022
Number of Properties 63 52 54 55
in Austria 5 5 4 4
in Germany 40 29 29 29
in Hungary 8 8 7 7
in Poland 7 7 11 12
in Czechia 3 3 3 3
Net Rental Area 586.515 m² 527.417 m² 569.828 m² 594.559 m²
Appraisal Value (€),- 924.211.575,- 1.025.829.850,-,-
Occupancy 98,9% 96,8% 95,5% 96,1%
Net Rent p.a. (mn€) 59,1 56,0 58,6 61,1
Rent Collection Rate 99,5% 99,3% 99,5% 99,4%