Our strategy can be summed up in three words: prudence, security and earnings. Our policy is healthy growth based on sound economic foundations.
Risk diversification is a central pillar of our strategy. FLE’s individual properties have an average value of EUR 20 million with 10-15 tenants. Locations range from Budapest and Vienna as well as Munich, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, Hannover and Hamburg to Wroclaw and Cracow in Poland.
Our target portfolio is approximately 55% offices, 15% hotels, 25% triple net leases and 5% in other real properties.
Properties with substance
We exclusively target established properties with a history of high occupancy rates. We take particular care to select attractive locations with excellent links to local public and private transport networks, as well as technically well-equipped properties with no major maintenance and repair backlogs, and healthy development potential with a expected net yield of 6,6% annually. Active in the management of our properties, we are constantly developing existing potential to create capital growth and long-term facilities upgrades.